Harvey Sanford Rogers, in Loving Memory

Harvey Sanford Rogers, in Loving Memory

Harvey Rogers, who passed away on March 23 at age 95, wore enough hats for several lifetimes. Successful businessman, Navy officer, car enthusiast, intrepid traveler, enthusiastic sailor (including on the Belvedere Lagoon, where he distinguished himself as a racer and...
BCF hosts TPF at brainstorming meeting

BCF hosts TPF at brainstorming meeting

In keeping with a tradition started a few years ago, members of the BCF Board hosted the Board of the Tiburon Peninsula Foundation at Sue Hoeschler’s lovely home. BCF Board members demonstrated that in addition to their other achievements, they are accomplished...
Welcome to the new BCF Website!

Welcome to the new BCF Website!

Belvedere Community Foundation is thrilled to introduce our new website!  Our goal is to keep our community of donors and grant recipients informed and engaged.  We would love your feedback; please click on Contact Us at the top right-hand side of the screen and send...