Apply for a Grant

The Belvedere Community Foundation has three grant cycles per year, occurring in Spring, Summer, and Fall. Grant requests can be submitted at any time during the two grant cycles, and all applicants will receive a response within one month of the grant cycle deadline.

  • Spring Grant Cycle: Deadline for grant applications is March 1st
  • Summer Grant Cycle: Deadline for grant applications is August 1st
  • Fall Grant Cycle: Deadline for grant applications is October 1st

The Belvedere Community Foundation only approves grant requests that support our Mission Statement.  All grant recipients must be within 25 miles of the 94920 zip code.



Help sustain Belvedere’s natural beauty and quality of life by encouraging and funding projects that enhance our community, cultivate generosity, and inspire volunteerism among all residents.



  • Grant recipients must have a location in Marin County, California.
  • In order to be considered, grants must support or improve the quality of life for Belvedere and Tiburon Peninsula residents. We fund a wide variety of grants covering themes such as education, community outreach, healthy living, public safety, historical preservation, and the environment.
  • Belvedere Community Foundation does not provide grants for personal needs.

If you have questions about the grant process or whether your project meets our grant criteria, please contact us (subject “Grants”).



A Grant Application can be found here and submitted online.



The Belvedere Community Foundation encourages Grantees to complete a Grantee Outcome Report documenting the work supported by our grant. An Outcome Report form can be found here.



The Belvedere Community Foundation looks most favorably upon applications with matching funding sources, especially when a project is beyond Belvedere city limits, and generally does not make multi-year commitments or grants to projects located outside of the greater Tiburon Peninsula area.



The Belvedere Community Foundation requests that grantees provide public recognition of our grant support in their newsletters, in the media and wherever else appropriate.


Grant Application

Grantee Outcome Report