Due to pandemic restrictions, the 2020 Belvedere Community Foundation Annual Meeting was held virtually via Zoom on November 19. We all missed the social hour and refreshments following the meeting but enjoyed hearing about BCF’s accomplishments for the year.
A highlight of the meeting was a short video in which the 2020 grantees explained their projects and thanked BCF for its support. Here is the link to that video. Click the triangle in the center of the link to begin.
We also watched a video featuring the 2020 Photo Contest; click below on the Vimeo link for that video. When you reach the video screen, click the triangle in the lower left corner to begin.
You can also view the complete collection of 2020 submissions and take a look at earlier contests on this website. Congratulations to everyone who entered!

What A Hoot by Matthew James Gormley

Guard Cat by Linda Bine